Thursday, November 10, 2011

Week 8's Student Choice Assignment

Answer the following questions:

  • What are some of the “red flags” that you should be careful about regarding what this person is doing?
  • How does D&C 43:2, 5–6 help us discern and act towards this individual?
  • What are some reasons Latter-day Saints buy into revelations and commandments that come from other sources besides the president of the Church and how do Elder Oaks’ remarks help us to avoid such a mistake?
  • Why do we gather? (43:8–14) Please give three meaningful answers.
  • What three additional principles would God like you to understand about the gathering from 43:15–35?

1. First of all, after watching the video, this person is basically taking away the two-way communication. He is saying that he is receiving revelation on behalf of other people when it is revelation/communication that each person should have for himself or herself. It is also important because he is saying that he received the revelation and was given authority to share it when in truth that comes from people with authority.

2. Well first of all in verse 2, we are told that we will receive revelation from those that the Lord calls, not just from anyone. I also love how in these verses the Lord gives us the ways that we can recognize when someone is and equally as important, isn’t from the Lord giving us revelation.

3. a. We are to instruct one another: Teaching each other is so important because it can add perspective to the principles that we are already familiar with.

b. We are to edify one another: Helping each other to feel the spirit and build testimony is so important as it allows us to grow closer as members of a ward and closer to our heavenly Father.

c. We are to help each other purge evil out from among us: Purging evil and iniquity from among us is important because it lessens the influence of the destroyer on us. Lessening his influence will indeed make the other two points more effective. We will have a great abundance of the Spirit.

4. a. v. 35: This is really simple council from the Lord. Be Sober. This doesn’t mean that we aren’t allowed to have a sense of humor, have fun or enjoy each other’s company, but we have to do what the Lord needs us to do without hesitation and in the right places.

b. v. 29: The Lord is coming, but no one doesn’t know when he is coming, and something that is also applicable to this lesson. We know that the Lord will only reveal his secrets to his servants the Prophets.

c. v. 32: Those that live righteously will be blessed for their righteousness by being changed in the twinking of an eye when the Lord comes again.

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