Friday, November 25, 2011

Week 10 Assignment

1. If we do not repent of sign-seeking (without faith) and lusting our fate is sealed.
2. Sign-seeking as well as lust both start off in thought and then move subsequently to actions and a way of life
3. Both of these stem from our own weakness and lack of strength. If we do not have faith enough to believe without a sign then chances are that even with a sign we wouldn’t change our ways and with lust we allow temptation into our lives and give place for the destroyer to move us.
4. As we learn from Matthew, it is a wicked and adulterous generation that seeks after signs which is a very similar description to those that lust after things; they feel that they have to have ‘it’ now and that they shouldn’t have to wait to be happy or satisfied.
5. Neither one of these sins disqualifies you from the Kingdom of our Father. The fact is both of these can be repented of and the presence of the Spirit can once again be felt if they take the steps needed to feel the Spirit.
First off let me say that Holland is incredible and I officially feel like I have so much to repent for. As for the question as to what sign seeking and lusting have in common I think there is a lot to think about here. This talk was absolutely amazing! I love how Elder Holland can make you feel so humble while giving you such great hope that you can accomplish what the Lord has told you to do. One thing that he said that really stuck out to me is ‘True love means permanence’. The fact is this has everything to do with sign-seeking as well. I honestly believe that there are signs to be seen every single day when it comes to the Gospel, but they are very, very rarely obvious ones that are big and flashy. In order to recognize these signs of love you need to stick around a while so you can recognize them when they happen.
Something else I noticed is that Elder Holland mentioned the story where he and his wife met three women at the airport and how they were all divorced because their husbands did something that ruined or hurt their marriage. Sign seeking in and of itself is the same as these sins that were committed in that I think it breeds a lack of self-worth and value. It is hard to be happy if every little thing you do requires physical/tangible proof. If everything has to be shown what will you do if something true or wonderful is available without said proof, you would miss out on a beautiful opportunity to be a part of something wonderful.
I was reminded of another similarity when Elder Holland mentioned using the computer to do good things. Sometimes signs are given and they are wonderful spiritual experiences for those that are there to witness it, that being said sometimes these things are misunderstood or when there is a lack of faith and someone does not see a sign they assume it is because there is no God. It is amazing how wonderful things (like signs, or technology) can be such wonderful things and things that are used against the work of God at the same time.

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