Thursday, November 3, 2011

The law of Consecration

I will be honest, when I saw the introduction of this film, I really thought it was going to be one that I wasn’t going to enjoy that I just wanted to watch it and get through it. I’m not sure why I was in this mood but I didn’t want to enjoy it.

I think one of the biggest things I learned is that the quicker I learn what is actually important in this world, the happier I will be. I feel like John Tanner learned this lesson far faster than the average person and maybe because of the situation he was looking at before joining the church but he learned quickly that if you can’t take it with you out of this world than it isn’t worth worrying about.

The John Tanner film taught me that it is possible to live the law of consecration. The film said that all in all he probably invested more than $50,000 to help the saints and the early church to make it. Because of his generosity, he allowed the church to make it but ended up having to beg for the well being of his family. This is something I don’t know that I could do. I would like to sit here and say that I know I could do the same thing that he did and I would like to think that if the Lord needed me to do that I could but I don’t think it would be easy. Literally being reduced from riches to rags would be so difficult, but I think it says a lot about his wife that she was willing to do what she had to her husband to answer the calls that were issued.

I know in my heart of hearts, I would do the same things he did. I have been through the temple and made covenants with the Lord to do so. The law of consecration requires so much faith. We discussed in our group meeting this morning how we already live so many different laws that almost, collectively, make the law of consecration. We are taught that the law of consecration is being able and willing to give/donate of your time, talents, abilities and resources to the Church of Jesus Christ. We already pay tithing (which is admittedly only 10% of what the law of consecration requires), we hold callings (which is definitely consecrating our time and resources), we (if you own a house…) allow missionaries to live in them and we have the opportunity to share our talents in church meetings.

Daniel, the young man in my group brought up a good point this morning; He said that even though we are not currently required to live the law of consecration, those of us who have been in the temple have already covenanted with the Lord to live it when the time comes. From what I understand, this means that I need to be living the law of consecration spiritually now so that when the time comes to live it temporally I am ready to do what needs to be done.

Words: 521

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