Friday, November 25, 2011

Week 10 Assignment

1. If we do not repent of sign-seeking (without faith) and lusting our fate is sealed.
2. Sign-seeking as well as lust both start off in thought and then move subsequently to actions and a way of life
3. Both of these stem from our own weakness and lack of strength. If we do not have faith enough to believe without a sign then chances are that even with a sign we wouldn’t change our ways and with lust we allow temptation into our lives and give place for the destroyer to move us.
4. As we learn from Matthew, it is a wicked and adulterous generation that seeks after signs which is a very similar description to those that lust after things; they feel that they have to have ‘it’ now and that they shouldn’t have to wait to be happy or satisfied.
5. Neither one of these sins disqualifies you from the Kingdom of our Father. The fact is both of these can be repented of and the presence of the Spirit can once again be felt if they take the steps needed to feel the Spirit.
First off let me say that Holland is incredible and I officially feel like I have so much to repent for. As for the question as to what sign seeking and lusting have in common I think there is a lot to think about here. This talk was absolutely amazing! I love how Elder Holland can make you feel so humble while giving you such great hope that you can accomplish what the Lord has told you to do. One thing that he said that really stuck out to me is ‘True love means permanence’. The fact is this has everything to do with sign-seeking as well. I honestly believe that there are signs to be seen every single day when it comes to the Gospel, but they are very, very rarely obvious ones that are big and flashy. In order to recognize these signs of love you need to stick around a while so you can recognize them when they happen.
Something else I noticed is that Elder Holland mentioned the story where he and his wife met three women at the airport and how they were all divorced because their husbands did something that ruined or hurt their marriage. Sign seeking in and of itself is the same as these sins that were committed in that I think it breeds a lack of self-worth and value. It is hard to be happy if every little thing you do requires physical/tangible proof. If everything has to be shown what will you do if something true or wonderful is available without said proof, you would miss out on a beautiful opportunity to be a part of something wonderful.
I was reminded of another similarity when Elder Holland mentioned using the computer to do good things. Sometimes signs are given and they are wonderful spiritual experiences for those that are there to witness it, that being said sometimes these things are misunderstood or when there is a lack of faith and someone does not see a sign they assume it is because there is no God. It is amazing how wonderful things (like signs, or technology) can be such wonderful things and things that are used against the work of God at the same time.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Week 9 Student Choice

John Murdock: Was at one point bound by the devil but it was cast out by Joseph. He was also ordained to be a high priest by Joseph. This was also the man that gave Joseph and Emma twins to raise after his wife died during child-birth.

Lyman Wight: Was told by the prophet that he would meet and see the Lord. He also received a blessing from the prophet Joseph. Cast out the devil at Joseph’s request. After being ordained a high priest, he was filled with the spirit and prophesied. He was bold, strong, “fearless”. He left the Church after Joseph died and moved to Texas.

John Corrill – Nothing on him in the book.

Ezra Thayre: Was to be the traveling companion of Thomas Marsh. He was not as diligent in preparation as Marsh was. He later served as a member of the 70.

Isaac Morley: Accompanied by Ezra Booth to Missouri but quickly changed his mind and ended up fighting against the church.

Thomas B. Marsh: Was to serve a mission with Ezra Thayre. Thomas fulfilled a mission when Newel Knight could not. He was quick to put his affairs in order upon receiving his mission call and ended asking Joseph for help.

Harvey Whitlock: Was ordained a High Priest by Joseph directly after Joseph had a vision of the Father and the Son. He also had a devil cast out of him.

Zebedee Coltrin: He served his mission to the Hoosiers! He established a few strong branches out there. Due to the infection of Levi’s feet, Coltrin ended up continuing his mission by himself.

Levi W. Hancock: He was Coltrin’s mission companion to Indiana, but was unable to continue with Zebedee because of a foot infection. He accepted his mission call without hesitation even though it meant much travel on foot.

Heman Basset: This man was deceived by other spirits. He was ordained an elder of the church but only three days after that had lost his mission call. His call was given to Simonds Ryder.

I learned from these folks mentioned in the D&C that they really aren't all that different than us. There are those that received their calls, took them and worked hard to make sure that they did everything that the prophet wanted them to do. There are also those that received calls and wandered off without having made their calling and elections made sure. I find it incredibly interesting that while there were more devils cast out literally, back then, the saints face the same challenges now that the early saints did then. Persecution, intolerance, being taken out of context, indifference, misunderstanding and these things all happen in and outside of the church! It is saddening to me that the Lord has blessed these generations of saints with incredible things to help us return to him but we are, essentially, still fighting the same battles with each other that saints were 200 years ago. It is no surprise to me thinking about it now that whenever we go to conference we are still taught to have faith, repent, be baptized and seek the spirit. I suspect when we start making progress and progress in these areas we will start to receive further revelation.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Week 8's Student Choice Assignment

Answer the following questions:

  • What are some of the “red flags” that you should be careful about regarding what this person is doing?
  • How does D&C 43:2, 5–6 help us discern and act towards this individual?
  • What are some reasons Latter-day Saints buy into revelations and commandments that come from other sources besides the president of the Church and how do Elder Oaks’ remarks help us to avoid such a mistake?
  • Why do we gather? (43:8–14) Please give three meaningful answers.
  • What three additional principles would God like you to understand about the gathering from 43:15–35?

1. First of all, after watching the video, this person is basically taking away the two-way communication. He is saying that he is receiving revelation on behalf of other people when it is revelation/communication that each person should have for himself or herself. It is also important because he is saying that he received the revelation and was given authority to share it when in truth that comes from people with authority.

2. Well first of all in verse 2, we are told that we will receive revelation from those that the Lord calls, not just from anyone. I also love how in these verses the Lord gives us the ways that we can recognize when someone is and equally as important, isn’t from the Lord giving us revelation.

3. a. We are to instruct one another: Teaching each other is so important because it can add perspective to the principles that we are already familiar with.

b. We are to edify one another: Helping each other to feel the spirit and build testimony is so important as it allows us to grow closer as members of a ward and closer to our heavenly Father.

c. We are to help each other purge evil out from among us: Purging evil and iniquity from among us is important because it lessens the influence of the destroyer on us. Lessening his influence will indeed make the other two points more effective. We will have a great abundance of the Spirit.

4. a. v. 35: This is really simple council from the Lord. Be Sober. This doesn’t mean that we aren’t allowed to have a sense of humor, have fun or enjoy each other’s company, but we have to do what the Lord needs us to do without hesitation and in the right places.

b. v. 29: The Lord is coming, but no one doesn’t know when he is coming, and something that is also applicable to this lesson. We know that the Lord will only reveal his secrets to his servants the Prophets.

c. v. 32: Those that live righteously will be blessed for their righteousness by being changed in the twinking of an eye when the Lord comes again.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The law of Consecration

I will be honest, when I saw the introduction of this film, I really thought it was going to be one that I wasn’t going to enjoy that I just wanted to watch it and get through it. I’m not sure why I was in this mood but I didn’t want to enjoy it.

I think one of the biggest things I learned is that the quicker I learn what is actually important in this world, the happier I will be. I feel like John Tanner learned this lesson far faster than the average person and maybe because of the situation he was looking at before joining the church but he learned quickly that if you can’t take it with you out of this world than it isn’t worth worrying about.

The John Tanner film taught me that it is possible to live the law of consecration. The film said that all in all he probably invested more than $50,000 to help the saints and the early church to make it. Because of his generosity, he allowed the church to make it but ended up having to beg for the well being of his family. This is something I don’t know that I could do. I would like to sit here and say that I know I could do the same thing that he did and I would like to think that if the Lord needed me to do that I could but I don’t think it would be easy. Literally being reduced from riches to rags would be so difficult, but I think it says a lot about his wife that she was willing to do what she had to her husband to answer the calls that were issued.

I know in my heart of hearts, I would do the same things he did. I have been through the temple and made covenants with the Lord to do so. The law of consecration requires so much faith. We discussed in our group meeting this morning how we already live so many different laws that almost, collectively, make the law of consecration. We are taught that the law of consecration is being able and willing to give/donate of your time, talents, abilities and resources to the Church of Jesus Christ. We already pay tithing (which is admittedly only 10% of what the law of consecration requires), we hold callings (which is definitely consecrating our time and resources), we (if you own a house…) allow missionaries to live in them and we have the opportunity to share our talents in church meetings.

Daniel, the young man in my group brought up a good point this morning; He said that even though we are not currently required to live the law of consecration, those of us who have been in the temple have already covenanted with the Lord to live it when the time comes. From what I understand, this means that I need to be living the law of consecration spiritually now so that when the time comes to live it temporally I am ready to do what needs to be done.

Words: 521