Thursday, October 13, 2011

Week 4

Clark Stanfill

Student Choice Assignment #2

D&C 21:4–7: When we are given inspiration from the prophet, it is the same as receiving the same inspiration from our Heavenly Father. It is the same. When we receive this inspiration, and receive it properly, we are shutting down the power of the gates of hell in our lives.

Mosiah 8:16-18: I think this scripture is really important for a couple of reasons. At the beginning of this section we learn that a seer is a prophet as well as a revelator. We also learn that the power a Prophet has is given him from God, and that there is no greater power on earth than this power.

Amos 3:7: This scripture shows us the importance of our modern day prophets. The fact of the matter is the Lord isn’t going to do anything big/church wide without telling the Prophet and his councilors first. This also sets the precedent for how the Lord reveals important inspiration for the Church.

2 Samuel 24:11: Much like the scripture in Amos, this shows that the Lord reveals things to his prophets. The fact is, the Lord has a set-up system of hierarchy of communication. It is the most effective and powerful way to communicate in the world. We talk to the Lord through prayer, and he then responds through his prophets, who can communicate to the Quorum of the 12, to the 70, to local leadership back down to us. It’s a perfect.

Alma 13:26: This scripture gives a few of the qualifications the Lord has for the Church Leadership: They are to be just, holy, people that have the power of the tongue of angels (Aaronic Priesthood) and they are to have the spirit of prophecy.

D&C 21:1: We learn in this scripture a few more of the responsibilities of a prophet; He is to be a Prophet, a Seer, a Translator, an Apostle of Jesus Christ, an Elder of the Church. These things among others are all responsibilities of the Prophet.

1 Corinthians 13:2: While some may view this as a minor thing I think it is hugely pertinent to the requirements of a Prophet. This verse lists a few things that a prophet who is worthy of the spirit will have (understanding of all mysteries, all knowledge, all faith even to moving mountains), if he doesn’t have charity he is nothing. The fact is the Prophet must be the most charitable person in the world. They are basically giving their total will to the Father for the rest of their lives. They travel, work every day, and are about the busiest people in the world all for the sake of everyone else.

How has the Prophet blessed my life?

I remember when the Boston Temple was dedicated. My family lived there for many years, and the temple was dedicated on my 16th birthday. Not only did I have the opportunity to work ‘booty duty’ during the temple open house, but I was also blessed to sing in the temple choir. We sang for President and Sister Hinckley when he came to dedicate that beautiful building. I gained a very important piece of my testimony then that I knew he was a Prophet, I knew he was called of God, and I knew that his Priesthood power was real.

I know that the Lord is mindful of me in a very personal way. I know that He loves me and wants me to be happy. I also know and understand that if I understand his gospel that there must always be a Prophet on the earth. This knowledge alone has blessed my life so much. I understand that the Lord gives me us a Prophet, because He loves us.

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